Source code for docrep

import types
import six
import inspect
import re
from warnings import warn

__version__ = '0.2.4'

__author__ = 'Philipp Sommer'

    from matplotlib.cbook import dedent as dedents
except ImportError:
    from textwrap import dedent as _dedents

    def dedents(s):
        return '\n'.join(_dedents(s or '').splitlines()[1:])

substitution_pattern = re.compile(
    r"""(?<!%)(%%)*%(?!%)   # uneven number of %
        \((?P<key>(?s).*?)\)# key enclosed in brackets""", re.VERBOSE)

summary_patt = re.compile(r'(?s).*?(?=(\n\s*\n)|$)')

class _StrWithIndentation(object):
    """A convenience class that indents the given string if requested through
    the __str__ method"""

    def __init__(self, s, indent=0, *args, **kwargs):
        self._indent = '\n' + ' ' * indent
        self._s = s

    def __str__(self):
        return self._indent.join(self._s.splitlines())

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self._indent.join(self._s.splitlines()))

[docs]def safe_modulo(s, meta, checked='', print_warning=True, stacklevel=2): """Safe version of the modulo operation (%) of strings Parameters ---------- s: str string to apply the modulo operation with meta: dict or tuple meta informations to insert (usually via ``s % meta``) checked: {'KEY', 'VALUE'}, optional Security parameter for the recursive structure of this function. It can be set to 'VALUE' if an error shall be raised when facing a TypeError or ValueError or to 'KEY' if an error shall be raised when facing a KeyError. This parameter is mainly for internal processes. print_warning: bool If True and a key is not existent in `s`, a warning is raised stacklevel: int The stacklevel for the :func:`warnings.warn` function Examples -------- The effects are demonstrated by this example:: >>> from docrep import safe_modulo >>> s = "That's %(one)s string %(with)s missing 'with' and %s key" >>> s % {'one': 1} # raises KeyError because of missing 'with' Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> KeyError: 'with' >>> s % {'one': 1, 'with': 2} # raises TypeError because of '%s' Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: not enough arguments for format string >>> safe_modulo(s, {'one': 1}) "That's 1 string %(with)s missing 'with' and %s key" """ try: return s % meta except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError): # replace the missing fields by %% keys = substitution_pattern.finditer(s) for m in keys: key ='key') if not isinstance(meta, dict) or key not in meta: if print_warning: warn("%r is not a valid key!" % key, SyntaxWarning, stacklevel) full = s = s.replace(full, '%' + full) if 'KEY' not in checked: return safe_modulo(s, meta, checked=checked + 'KEY', print_warning=print_warning, stacklevel=stacklevel) if not isinstance(meta, dict) or 'VALUE' in checked: raise s = re.sub(r"""(?<!%)(%%)*%(?!%) # uneven number of % \s*(\w|$) # format strings""", '%\g<0>', s, flags=re.VERBOSE) return safe_modulo(s, meta, checked=checked + 'VALUE', print_warning=print_warning, stacklevel=stacklevel)
[docs]class DocstringProcessor(object): """Class that is intended to process docstrings It is, but only to minor extends, inspired by the :class:`matplotlib.docstring.Substitution` class. Examples -------- Create docstring processor via:: >>> from docrep import DocstringProcessor >>> d = DocstringProcessor(doc_key='My doc string') And then use it as a decorator to process the docstring:: >>> @d ... def doc_test(): ... '''That's %(doc_key)s''' ... pass >>> print(doc_test.__doc__) That's My doc string Use the :meth:`get_sectionsf` method to extract Parameter sections (or others) form the docstring for later usage (and make sure, that the docstring is dedented):: >>> @d.get_sectionsf('docstring_example', ... sections=['Parameters', 'Examples']) ... @d.dedent ... def doc_test(a=1, b=2): ... ''' ... That's %(doc_key)s ... ... Parameters ... ---------- ... a: int, optional ... A dummy parameter description ... b: int, optional ... A second dummy parameter ... ... Examples ... -------- ... Some dummy example doc''' ... print(a) >>> @d.dedent ... def second_test(a=1, b=2): ... ''' ... My second function where I want to use the docstring from ... above ... ... Parameters ... ---------- ... %(docstring_example.parameters)s ... ... Examples ... -------- ... %(docstring_example.examples)s''' ... pass >>> print(second_test.__doc__) My second function where I want to use the docstring from above <BLANKLINE> Parameters ---------- a: int, optional A dummy parameter description b: int, optional A second dummy parameter <BLANKLINE> Examples -------- Some dummy example doc Another example uses non-dedented docstrings:: >>> @d.get_sectionsf('not_dedented') ... def doc_test2(a=1): ... '''That's the summary ... ... Parameters ... ---------- ... a: int, optional ... A dummy parameter description''' ... print(a) These sections must then be used with the :meth:`with_indent` method to indent the inserted parameters:: >>> @d.with_indent(4) ... def second_test2(a=1): ... ''' ... My second function where I want to use the docstring from ... above ... ... Parameters ... ---------- ... %(not_dedented.parameters)s''' ... pass """ #: :class:`dict`. Dictionary containing the compiled patterns to identify #: the Parameters, Other Parameters, Warnings and Notes sections in a #: docstring patterns = {} #: :class:`dict`. Dictionary containing the parameters that are used in for #: substitution. params = {} #: sections that behave the same as the `Parameter` section by defining a #: list param_like_sections = ['Parameters', 'Other Parameters', 'Returns', 'Raises'] #: sections that include (possibly not list-like) text text_sections = ['Warnings', 'Notes', 'Examples', 'See Also', 'References'] #: The action on how to react on classes in python 2 #: #: When calling:: #: #: >>> @docstrings #: ... class NewClass(object): #: ... """%(replacement)s""" #: #: This normaly raises an AttributeError, because the ``__doc__`` attribute #: of a class in python 2 is not writable. This attribute may be one of #: ``'ignore', 'raise' or 'warn'`` python2_classes = 'ignore' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` Parameters that shall be used for the substitution. Note that you can only provide either ``*args`` or ``**kwargs``, furthermore most of the methods like `get_sectionsf` require ``**kwargs`` to be provided.""" if len(args) and len(kwargs): raise ValueError("Only positional or keyword args are allowed") self.params = args or kwargs patterns = {} all_sections = self.param_like_sections + self.text_sections for section in self.param_like_sections: patterns[section] = re.compile( '(?s)(?<=%s\n%s\n)(.+?)(?=\n\n\S+|$)' % ( section, '-'*len(section))) all_sections_patt = '|'.join( '%s\n%s\n' % (s, '-'*len(s)) for s in all_sections) # examples and see also for section in self.text_sections: patterns[section] = re.compile( '(?s)(?<=%s\n%s\n)(.+?)(?=%s|$)' % ( section, '-'*len(section), all_sections_patt)) self._extended_summary_patt = re.compile( '(?s)(.+?)(?=%s|$)' % all_sections_patt) self._all_sections_patt = re.compile(all_sections_patt) self.patterns = patterns def __call__(self, func): """ Substitute in a docstring of a function with :attr:`params` Parameters ---------- func: function function with the documentation whose sections shall be inserted from the :attr:`params` attribute See Also -------- dedent: also dedents the doc with_indent: also indents the doc""" doc = func.__doc__ and safe_modulo(func.__doc__, self.params, stacklevel=3) return self._set_object_doc(func, doc)
[docs] def get_sections(self, s, base, sections=['Parameters', 'Other Parameters']): """ Method that extracts the specified sections out of the given string if (and only if) the docstring follows the numpy documentation guidelines [1]_. Note that the section either must appear in the :attr:`param_like_sections` or the :attr:`text_sections` attribute. Parameters ---------- s: str Docstring to split base: str base to use in the :attr:`sections` attribute sections: list of str sections to look for. Each section must be followed by a newline character ('\\n') and a bar of '-' (following the numpy (napoleon) docstring conventions). Returns ------- str The replaced string References ---------- .. [1] See Also -------- delete_params, keep_params, delete_types, keep_types, delete_kwargs: For manipulating the docstring sections save_docstring: for saving an entire docstring """ params = self.params # Remove the summary and dedent the rest s = self._remove_summary(s) for section in sections: key = '%s.%s' % (base, section.lower().replace(' ', '_')) params[key] = self._get_section(s, section) return s
def _remove_summary(self, s): # if the string does not start with one of the sections, we remove the # summary if not self._all_sections_patt.match(s.lstrip()): # remove the summary lines = summary_patt.sub('', s, 1).splitlines() # look for the first line with content first = next((i for i, l in enumerate(lines) if l.strip()), 0) # dedent the lines s = dedents('\n' + '\n'.join(lines[first:])) return s def _get_section(self, s, section): try: return self.patterns[section].search(s).group(0).rstrip() except AttributeError: return ''
[docs] def get_sectionsf(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Decorator method to extract sections from a function docstring Parameters ---------- ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` See the :meth:`get_sections` method. Note, that the first argument will be the docstring of the specified function Returns ------- function Wrapper that takes a function as input and registers its sections via the :meth:`get_sections` method""" def func(f): doc = f.__doc__ self.get_sections(doc or '', *args, **kwargs) return f return func
def _set_object_doc(self, obj, doc, stacklevel=3): """Convenience method to set the __doc__ attribute of a python object """ if isinstance(obj, types.MethodType) and six.PY2: obj = obj.im_func try: obj.__doc__ = doc except AttributeError: # probably python2 class if (self.python2_classes != 'raise' and (inspect.isclass(obj) and six.PY2)): if self.python2_classes == 'warn': warn("Cannot modify docstring of classes in python2!", stacklevel=stacklevel) else: raise return obj
[docs] def dedent(self, func): """ Dedent the docstring of a function and substitute with :attr:`params` Parameters ---------- func: function function with the documentation to dedent and whose sections shall be inserted from the :attr:`params` attribute""" doc = func.__doc__ and self.dedents(func.__doc__, stacklevel=4) return self._set_object_doc(func, doc)
[docs] def dedents(self, s, stacklevel=3): """ Dedent a string and substitute with the :attr:`params` attribute Parameters ---------- s: str string to dedent and insert the sections of the :attr:`params` attribute stacklevel: int The stacklevel for the warning raised in :func:`safe_module` when encountering an invalid key in the string""" s = dedents(s) return safe_modulo(s, self.params, stacklevel=stacklevel)
[docs] def with_indent(self, indent=0): """ Substitute in the docstring of a function with indented :attr:`params` Parameters ---------- indent: int The number of spaces that the substitution should be indented Returns ------- function Wrapper that takes a function as input and substitutes it's ``__doc__`` with the indented versions of :attr:`params` See Also -------- with_indents, dedent""" def replace(func): doc = func.__doc__ and self.with_indents( func.__doc__, indent=indent, stacklevel=4) return self._set_object_doc(func, doc) return replace
[docs] def with_indents(self, s, indent=0, stacklevel=3): """ Substitute a string with the indented :attr:`params` Parameters ---------- s: str The string in which to substitute indent: int The number of spaces that the substitution should be indented stacklevel: int The stacklevel for the warning raised in :func:`safe_module` when encountering an invalid key in the string Returns ------- str The substituted string See Also -------- with_indent, dedents""" # we make a new dictionary with objects that indent the original # strings if necessary. Note that the first line is not indented d = {key: _StrWithIndentation(val, indent) for key, val in six.iteritems(self.params)} return safe_modulo(s, d, stacklevel=stacklevel)
[docs] def delete_params(self, base_key, *params): """ Method to delete a parameter from a parameter documentation. This method deletes the given `param` from the `base_key` item in the :attr:`params` dictionary and creates a new item with the original documentation without the description of the param. This method works for the ``'Parameters'`` sections. The new docstring without the selected parts will be accessible as ``base_key + '.no_' + '|'.join(params)``, e.g. ``'original_key.no_param1|param2'``. See the :meth:`keep_params` method for an example. Parameters ---------- base_key: str key in the :attr:`params` dictionary ``*params`` str. Parameter identifier of which the documentations shall be deleted See Also -------- delete_types, keep_params""" self.params[ base_key + '.no_' + '|'.join(params)] = self.delete_params_s( self.params[base_key], params)
[docs] @staticmethod def delete_params_s(s, params): """ Delete the given parameters from a string Same as :meth:`delete_params` but does not use the :attr:`params` dictionary Parameters ---------- s: str The string of the parameters section params: list of str The names of the parameters to delete Returns ------- str The modified string `s` without the descriptions of `params` """ patt = '(?s)' + '|'.join( '(?<=\n)' + s + '\s*:.+?\n(?=\S+|$)' for s in params) return re.sub(patt, '', '\n' + s.strip() + '\n').strip()
[docs] def delete_kwargs(self, base_key, args=None, kwargs=None): """ Deletes the ``*args`` or ``**kwargs`` part from the parameters section Either `args` or `kwargs` must not be None. The resulting key will be stored in ``base_key + 'no_args'`` if `args` is not None and `kwargs` is None ``base_key + 'no_kwargs'`` if `args` is None and `kwargs` is not None ``base_key + 'no_args_kwargs'`` if `args` is not None and `kwargs` is not None Parameters ---------- base_key: str The key in the :attr:`params` attribute to use args: None or str The string for the args to delete kwargs: None or str The string for the kwargs to delete Notes ----- The type name of `args` in the base has to be like ````*<args>```` (i.e. the `args` argument preceeded by a ``'*'`` and enclosed by double ``'`'``). Similarily, the type name of `kwargs` in `s` has to be like ````**<kwargs>````""" if not args and not kwargs: warn("Neither args nor kwargs are given. I do nothing for %s" % ( base_key)) return ext = '.no' + ('_args' if args else '') + ('_kwargs' if kwargs else '') self.params[base_key + ext] = self.delete_kwargs_s( self.params[base_key], args, kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def delete_kwargs_s(cls, s, args=None, kwargs=None): """ Deletes the ``*args`` or ``**kwargs`` part from the parameters section Either `args` or `kwargs` must not be None. Parameters ---------- s: str The string to delete the args and kwargs from args: None or str The string for the args to delete kwargs: None or str The string for the kwargs to delete Notes ----- The type name of `args` in `s` has to be like ````*<args>```` (i.e. the `args` argument preceeded by a ``'*'`` and enclosed by double ``'`'``). Similarily, the type name of `kwargs` in `s` has to be like ````**<kwargs>````""" if not args and not kwargs: return s types = [] if args is not None: types.append('`?`?\*%s`?`?' % args) if kwargs is not None: types.append('`?`?\*\*%s`?`?' % kwargs) return cls.delete_types_s(s, types)
[docs] def delete_types(self, base_key, out_key, *types): """ Method to delete a parameter from a parameter documentation. This method deletes the given `param` from the `base_key` item in the :attr:`params` dictionary and creates a new item with the original documentation without the description of the param. This method works for ``'Results'`` like sections. See the :meth:`keep_types` method for an example. Parameters ---------- base_key: str key in the :attr:`params` dictionary out_key: str Extension for the base key (the final key will be like ``'%s.%s' % (base_key, out_key)`` ``*types`` str. The type identifier of which the documentations shall deleted See Also -------- delete_params""" self.params['%s.%s' % (base_key, out_key)] = self.delete_types_s( self.params[base_key], types)
[docs] @staticmethod def delete_types_s(s, types): """ Delete the given types from a string Same as :meth:`delete_types` but does not use the :attr:`params` dictionary Parameters ---------- s: str The string of the returns like section types: list of str The type identifiers to delete Returns ------- str The modified string `s` without the descriptions of `types` """ patt = '(?s)' + '|'.join( '(?<=\n)' + s + '\n.+?\n(?=\S+|$)' for s in types) return re.sub(patt, '', '\n' + s.strip() + '\n',).strip()
[docs] def keep_params(self, base_key, *params): """ Method to keep only specific parameters from a parameter documentation. This method extracts the given `param` from the `base_key` item in the :attr:`params` dictionary and creates a new item with the original documentation with only the description of the param. This method works for ``'Parameters'`` like sections. The new docstring with the selected parts will be accessible as ``base_key + '.' + '|'.join(params)``, e.g. ``'original_key.param1|param2'`` Parameters ---------- base_key: str key in the :attr:`params` dictionary ``*params`` str. Parameter identifier of which the documentations shall be in the new section See Also -------- keep_types, delete_params Examples -------- To extract just two parameters from a function and reuse their docstrings, you can type:: >>> from docrep import DocstringProcessor >>> d = DocstringProcessor() >>> @d.get_sectionsf('do_something') ... def do_something(a=1, b=2, c=3): ... ''' ... That's %(doc_key)s ... ... Parameters ... ---------- ... a: int, optional ... A dummy parameter description ... b: int, optional ... A second dummy parameter that will be excluded ... c: float, optional ... A third parameter''' ... print(a) >>> d.keep_params('do_something.parameters', 'a', 'c') >>> @d.dedent ... def do_less(a=1, c=4): ... ''' ... My second function with only `a` and `c` ... ... Parameters ... ---------- ... %(do_something.parameters.a|c)s''' ... pass >>> print(do_less.__doc__) My second function with only `a` and `c` <BLANKLINE> Parameters ---------- a: int, optional A dummy parameter description c: float, optional A third parameter Equivalently, you can use the :meth:`delete_params` method to remove parameters:: >>> d.delete_params('do_something.parameters', 'b') >>> @d.dedent ... def do_less(a=1, c=4): ... ''' ... My second function with only `a` and `c` ... ... Parameters ... ---------- ... %(do_something.parameters.no_b)s''' ... pass """ self.params[base_key + '.' + '|'.join(params)] = self.keep_params_s( self.params[base_key], params)
[docs] @staticmethod def keep_params_s(s, params): """ Keep the given parameters from a string Same as :meth:`keep_params` but does not use the :attr:`params` dictionary Parameters ---------- s: str The string of the parameters like section params: list of str The parameter names to keep Returns ------- str The modified string `s` with only the descriptions of `params` """ patt = '(?s)' + '|'.join( '(?<=\n)' + s + '\s*:.+?\n(?=\S+|$)' for s in params) return ''.join(re.findall(patt, '\n' + s.strip() + '\n')).rstrip()
[docs] def keep_types(self, base_key, out_key, *types): """ Method to keep only specific parameters from a parameter documentation. This method extracts the given `type` from the `base_key` item in the :attr:`params` dictionary and creates a new item with the original documentation with only the description of the type. This method works for the ``'Results'`` sections. Parameters ---------- base_key: str key in the :attr:`params` dictionary out_key: str Extension for the base key (the final key will be like ``'%s.%s' % (base_key, out_key)`` ``*types`` str. The type identifier of which the documentations shall be in the new section See Also -------- delete_types, keep_params Examples -------- To extract just two return arguments from a function and reuse their docstrings, you can type:: >>> from docrep import DocstringProcessor >>> d = DocstringProcessor() >>> @d.get_sectionsf('do_something', sections=['Returns']) ... def do_something(): ... ''' ... That's %(doc_key)s ... ... Returns ... ------- ... float ... A random number ... int ... A random integer''' ... return 1.0, 4 >>> d.keep_types('do_something.returns', 'int_only', 'int') >>> @d.dedent ... def do_less(): ... ''' ... My second function that only returns an integer ... ... Returns ... ------- ... %(do_something.returns.int_only)s''' ... return do_something()[1] >>> print(do_less.__doc__) My second function that only returns an integer <BLANKLINE> Returns ------- int A random integer Equivalently, you can use the :meth:`delete_types` method to remove parameters:: >>> d.delete_types('do_something.returns', 'no_float', 'float') >>> @d.dedent ... def do_less(): ... ''' ... My second function with only `a` and `c` ... ... Returns ... ---------- ... %(do_something.returns.no_float)s''' ... return do_something()[1] """ self.params['%s.%s' % (base_key, out_key)] = self.keep_types_s( self.params[base_key], types)
[docs] @staticmethod def keep_types_s(s, types): """ Keep the given types from a string Same as :meth:`keep_types` but does not use the :attr:`params` dictionary Parameters ---------- s: str The string of the returns like section types: list of str The type identifiers to keep Returns ------- str The modified string `s` with only the descriptions of `types` """ patt = '|'.join('(?<=\n)' + s + '\n(?s).+?\n(?=\S+|$)' for s in types) return ''.join(re.findall(patt, '\n' + s.strip() + '\n')).rstrip()
[docs] def save_docstring(self, key): """ Descriptor method to save a docstring from a function Like the :meth:`get_sectionsf` method this method serves as a descriptor for functions but saves the entire docstring""" def func(f): self.params[key] = f.__doc__ or '' return f return func
[docs] def get_summary(self, s, base=None): """ Get the summary of the given docstring This method extracts the summary from the given docstring `s` which is basicly the part until two newlines appear Parameters ---------- s: str The docstring to use base: str or None A key under which the summary shall be stored in the :attr:`params` attribute. If not None, the summary will be stored in ``base + '.summary'``. Otherwise, it will not be stored at all Returns ------- str The extracted summary""" summary = if base is not None: self.params[base + '.summary'] = summary return summary
[docs] def get_summaryf(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Extract the summary from a function docstring Parameters ---------- ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` See the :meth:`get_summary` method. Note, that the first argument will be the docstring of the specified function Returns ------- function Wrapper that takes a function as input and registers its summary via the :meth:`get_summary` method""" def func(f): doc = f.__doc__ self.get_summary(doc or '', *args, **kwargs) return f return func
[docs] def get_extended_summary(self, s, base=None): """Get the extended summary from a docstring This here is the extended summary Parameters ---------- s: str The docstring to use base: str or None A key under which the summary shall be stored in the :attr:`params` attribute. If not None, the summary will be stored in ``base + '.summary_ext'``. Otherwise, it will not be stored at all Returns ------- str The extracted extended summary""" # Remove the summary and dedent s = self._remove_summary(s) ret = '' if not self._all_sections_patt.match(s): m = self._extended_summary_patt.match(s) if m is not None: ret = if base is not None: self.params[base + '.summary_ext'] = ret return ret
[docs] def get_extended_summaryf(self, *args, **kwargs): """Extract the extended summary from a function docstring This function can be used as a decorator to extract the extended summary of a function docstring (similar to :meth:`get_sectionsf`). Parameters ---------- ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` See the :meth:`get_extended_summary` method. Note, that the first argument will be the docstring of the specified function Returns ------- function Wrapper that takes a function as input and registers its summary via the :meth:`get_extended_summary` method""" def func(f): doc = f.__doc__ self.get_extended_summary(doc or '', *args, **kwargs) return f return func
[docs] def get_full_description(self, s, base=None): """Get the full description from a docstring This here and the line above is the full description (i.e. the combination of the :meth:`get_summary` and the :meth:`get_extended_summary`) output Parameters ---------- s: str The docstring to use base: str or None A key under which the description shall be stored in the :attr:`params` attribute. If not None, the summary will be stored in ``base + '.full_desc'``. Otherwise, it will not be stored at all Returns ------- str The extracted full description""" summary = self.get_summary(s) extended_summary = self.get_extended_summary(s) ret = (summary + '\n\n' + extended_summary).strip() if base is not None: self.params[base + '.full_desc'] = ret return ret
[docs] def get_full_descriptionf(self, *args, **kwargs): """Extract the full description from a function docstring This function can be used as a decorator to extract the full descriptions of a function docstring (similar to :meth:`get_sectionsf`). Parameters ---------- ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` See the :meth:`get_full_description` method. Note, that the first argument will be the docstring of the specified function Returns ------- function Wrapper that takes a function as input and registers its summary via the :meth:`get_full_description` method""" def func(f): doc = f.__doc__ self.get_full_description(doc or '', *args, **kwargs) return f return func